United International

Design of complete HVAC machine installations & HVAC maintenance

The goal for a HVAC system is to provide proper air flow, heating, and cooling to each room. This sets out key criteria that describe a quality system, and key design and installation considerations that should be met to achieve this goal. The following contains detailed information on design, fabrication, installation, and performance testing.

HVAC maintenance is an indispensable part of owning an HVAC system. Well, these systems are composed of multiple mechanical and electrical components as well as the means to connect these components to each other in order to create the system, and therefore, it is clear that maintenance would be crucial for them to keep their performance at desired levels, as well as lowering heating and cooling repair or retrofit costs.

A convenient platform is provided here at United International L.L.C for our customers to meet their HVAC requirements, and we would like to help you understand what you can expect regarding the maintenance of your HVAC systems.